
Fan-out is the typical publish/subscribe scenario where a message is published once to the PubSub+ m…

External Link

A link that spans from a node in one cluster to a node in another cluster is called an external link…

Exclusive Queues

An exclusive queue is where only one consumer can receive a message at any one time, while additiona…

Eventual Consistency

Eventual consistency is a consistency model used in distributed computing to achieve high availabili…

Event Type

An event type (or event as it is referred to in Event Portal) represents a class of events produced …

Event Topic

To achieve the promise of governed, enterprise-wide distribution of reusable events and event-driven…

Event Topic root

Event topic root contains enough information to describe the type of event that has occurred. Each e…

Event Topic Properties

Event topic properties are optional fields that further describe a particular event. This part of th…

Event Topic Levels

Solace Topics are hierarchical and support multiple levels. Multiple topic levels allow you to creat…

Event Threshold

Client Event Thresholds control when any of the following client events are generated for a specific…