
The term messaging refers to technology that lets computer systems share information without requiri…

Messaging Service

Solace PubSub+ through TCP service ports on an event broker exposes variety of Messaging Services th…

Messaging Domain

Messaging Domains are patterns that govern this communication:
- point-to-point messaging and <…

Messaging Client

Client applications that connect to the event broker services to publish and subscribe to the messag…


A message is a packet of information sent from producers to consumers. Messages are the central unit…

Message VPN

Message Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are managed objects on Solace PubSub+ event brokers that all…

Message VPN Bridge

Published messages can’t cross Message VPN boundaries, even in the presence of identical subscriptio…

Message Spooling

As a Solace PubSub+ event broker receives a Guaranteed message (that is, messages with persistent or…

Message Spool Files

Guaranteed messages are spooled to an event broker through the use of spool files. If the event brok…

Message Request Queues

Queues can control how message requests are processed

If the queue is created with non-excl…